Northwestern Events Calendar


The Penultimate Voyage: Dante, Sindbad, Ulysses

Kilito, French and Italian

When: Friday, October 7, 2016
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM CT

Where: Kresge Hall, 1515, 1880 Campus Drive, Evanston, IL 60208 map it

Audience: Faculty/Staff - Student - Public - Post Docs/Docs - Graduate Students

Cost: free

Contact: Department of French and Italian   (847) 491-5490

Group: Department of French and Italian

Co-Sponsor: Middle East and North African Studies

Category: Academic


A lecture by Abdelfattah Kilito. Free and open to everyone. Reception to follow.

ABDELFATTAH KILITO is a world-renowned writer, critic, translator and scholar from
Morocco. His body of work on Arabic poetics, on A Thousand of One Nights, on authorship and perjury in the Arabic tradition as well as his own works of fiction distinguishes itself not only by its variety of genres but also by its originality of style and theme, navigating multiple literary and linguistic traditions. This first week-long visit to Northwestern has been made possible by a "Big Ideas" grant from the Buffett Institute for Global Studies.


Sponsored by the Department of French & Italian, the Program in Middle East and North African Studies (MENA), the French Interdisciplinary Group (FIG), and the Program of African Studies


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