Northwestern Events Calendar


Environmental Resource Panel & Reception

When: Thursday, February 23, 2017
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM CT

Where: Mitchell Museum of the American Indian, 3001 Central St, Evanston, ID 60201

Audience: Faculty/Staff - Student - Public - Post Docs/Docs - Graduate Students

Cost: Museum Members: $10 Non-members: $15 Tribal Members: Free

Contact: Ninah Nicole Divine   (847) 467-4086

Group: Center for Native American and Indigenous Research (CNAIR)

Category: Multicultural & Diversity


Featuring Arlinda Locklear and Heather Kendall-Miller. From the Dakota Access Pipeline to the expansion of crude oil shipping in Gray’s Harbor Washington to uranium mining in Arizona, there seems to be no limit to environmental strife and its effect on Native peoples and their land. Both Locklear and Kendall-Miller have been instrumental in protecting tribal rights to land and water as well as protecting the environment at large. Both women have been part of landmark cases instrumental in protecting the environment. Most were won through enforcement of treaty rights and bringing greater accountability to protect the tribes.


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