Monday, September 18, 2017
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM CT
Where: 680 N. Lake Shore Drive, Suite 1400, Stamler Conference Room, Chicago, IL 60611 map it
Audience: Faculty/Staff - Student - Post Docs/Docs - Graduate Students
Tyler Seybold
(312) 908-7914
Group: Department of Preventive Medicine
Category: Lectures & Meetings
Facilitating Reproducible Research through Direct Connection of Data Analysis with Manuscript Preparation
This talk will introduce StatTag, a free plug-in for conducting reproducible research and creating dynamic documents using Microsoft Word and Stata, SAS, and R. StatTag was recently developed to address a critical need in the research community: there were no broadly accessible tools to integrate document preparation in Word with statistical code, results, and data. Popular tools such as knitR and Markdown use plan text editors for document preparation. Despite the merits of these programs, Microsoft Word is ubiquitous for manuscript preparation in many fields, such as medicine, in which conducting reproducible research is increasingly important. Furthermore, current tools are one-directional: no downstream changes to the rendered RTF/Word documents are reflected in the source code. We developed StatTag to fill this void. StatTag provides an interface to edit statistical code directly from Word, and allows users to embed statistical output from that code (estimates, tables, figures) within Word. Output can be individually or collectively updated in one-click with a behind-the-scenes call to the statistical program. With StatTag, modification of a dataset or analysis will no longer entail transcribing results in to Word. This talk will include worked examples, and will be accessible to many users.
View Dr. Welty's faculty profile here.