Northwestern Events Calendar


Special Workshop: Randolf Klein: "SOFIA Science and Capabilities: Cycle 8 Proposal Workshop"

When: Monday, May 6, 2019
9:30 AM - 11:30 AM CT

Where: Technological Institute, L250, 2145 Sheridan Road, Evanston, IL 60208 map it

Audience: Faculty/Staff - Post Docs/Docs - Graduate Students

Cost: Free

Contact: CIERA Astrophysics   (847) 491-8646

Group: CIERA - Special Seminars

Category: Lectures & Meetings


Northwestern University's Center for Interdisciplinary Exploration and Research in Astrophysics (CIERA) presents a Special Workshop featuring: 


Randolf Klein (SOFIA Science Center, NASA Ames)

Title: SOFIA Science and Capabilities: Cycle 8 Proposal Workshop

Abstract: The goal of this proposal workshop is to enable the participants to submit competitive SOFIA proposals for the Cycle 8 Call for Proposals. The call will be issued end of May/early June with a deadline of September 6. Recent SOFIA science results will highlight the possibilities and capabilities of the airborne infrared observatory, the only facility currently allowing access to the whole infrared wavelength range. SOFIA’s science topics range from planetary science and circum-stellar disks over astro-chemistry and processes in the interstellar medium to star formation in our and other galaxies and active galactic nuclei. An overview over SOFIA instrument suite will prepare the participants for the more interactive part of the workshop.

The workshop will offer instructions and exercises to use the SOFIA time estimators and the SOFIA proposal tool, USPOT. These tools are indispensable for preparing and submitting a SOFIA proposal, respectively. USPOT is also the tool used to detail the observations after a proposal has been accepted. The workshop will also offer a look at how to access the SOFIA archive currently and in the future via IRSA. Maybe your target has already been observed and you can just grab the data. Bring a laptop to follow the interactive part of the workshop.

The workshop will be rounded off by going over some specifics of the proposal call like special proposal categories like the large SOFIA Legacy Programs and Thesis-enabling programs and funding, of course. The participants are also encouraged to share their SOFIA programs or ideas for SOFIA proposals possibly in a small presentation.

Host: Giles Novak

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