Northwestern Events Calendar


Blending Asynchronous and Synchronous Teaching

When: Friday, April 17, 2020
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM CT

Where: Online

Audience: Faculty/Staff - Post Docs/Docs

Contact: Angelica Medina  

Group: Searle Faculty Events

Category: Academic


How do I synthesize and connect synchronous and asynchronous aspects of my course? How can I foster a blended learning environment that engages and promotes equity among all my students? This interactive online session explores the key choices an instructor makes in identifying the content and mode of learning between asynchronous and synchronous in online teaching and learning. This session helps instructors make the connections between modes that best motivate student activity and learning, and think through the timing for which these different components occur. 

90 minutes; 60 minutes of interactive workshop followed by 30 minutes of Q & A. 

Participation limited to 25; sign up


- Participants have a Northwestern Zoom account see here; have updated to version 4.6.7 of Zoom on their computer; and have a working microphone and camera.
- Participants have spent 10-15 minutes exploring Zoom.

-- They can: 
-Mute and unmute their microphone and video; open and close chat and participant windows; type in the chat window to everyone or to an individual 
- Record a zoom session, presenting slides or other content, and review that session. 

After this workshop, participants will be able to:

- Use the functionality of Zoom to present both asynchronous and synchronous content; 
- Be able to encourage and respond to student comments and ideas in both asynchronous and synchronous modalities.
- Can pedagogically connect asynchronous and synchronous content and student-engaged activities
- Choose the asynchronous/synchronous pathway that supports instructor’s pedagogy 

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