Northwestern Events Calendar


MENA Faculty Colloquium with Charif Shanahan: Reading from a New Poetry Collection in Progress

When: Monday, April 12, 2021
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM CT

Where: Online
Webcast Link

Audience: Faculty/Staff - Post Docs/Docs - Graduate Students

Contact: Danny Postel  

Group: Middle East and North African Studies

Category: Lectures & Meetings, Academic, Multicultural & Diversity, Global & Civic Engagement


Charif Shanahan (he/him/his), Associate Professor of Instruction in the Department of English and an Affiliate Faculty Member of the MENA Program at Northwestern, is a poet, essayist, and translator. He is the author of Into Each Room We Enter without Knowing (SIU Press, 2017), winner of the Crab Orchard Series in Poetry First Book Award, and a finalist for the Lambda Literary Award for Gay Poetry and the Publishing Triangle's Thom Gunn Award.

Shanahan’s poems appear in American Poetry Review, The New Republic, The New York Times Magazine, PBS NewsHour, and Poetry, among other journals. His work has been anthologized in American Journal: Fifty Poems for Our Time (Graywolf Press, 2018), Furious Flower: Seeding the Future of African American Poetry (Northwestern University Press, 2019), The BreakBeat Poets Vol 3: Halal If You Hear Me (Haymarket, 2019), and the Library of America’s forthcoming African American Poetry: 250 Years of Struggle & Song.

For his work, he is the recipient of a National Endowment for the Arts Literature Fellowship; the Wallace Stegner Fellowship and the Jones Lectureship at Stanford University; a Fulbright Senior Scholar Grant to Morocco; the Gregory Pardlo Fellowship from the Frost Place; and residency fellowships from Cave Canem Foundation, the MacDowell Colony, Millay Colony for the Arts, La Maison Baldwin in St Paul, France, and the Robert Rauschenberg Foundation, among other awards and recognitions.

Originally from the Bronx, Shanahan holds an AB in Comparative Literature and Creative Writing from Princeton University; an AM in Comparative Literature and Literary Translation from Dartmouth College; and an MFA in Poetry from NYU's Graduate Creative Writing Program. Former Programs Director of the Poetry Society of America, he has taught literature, creative writing, and language at California College of the Arts (CCA), the Collegio di Milano (Italy), New York University, and Stanford University.

He is currently at work on two collections of poetry, as well as a creative non-fiction project that explores questions of mixed-race identity in the contemporary US; Blackness in the Maghreb; and the transnational dimensions of racial experience.

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