Thursday, July 8, 2021
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CT
Where: Online
Audience: Faculty/Staff - Student - Public - Post Docs/Docs - Graduate Students
Myria Knox
(312) 503-7962
Group: Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities Events
Category: Academic, Lectures & Meetings
The Center for Bioethics & Medical Humanities
Health Across Borders:
Bioethics & Medical Humanities Conference Series
(June 3–July 8, 2021 • Thursdays 12-1pm • Online)
This year the Northwestern Bioethics & Medical Humanities annual conference will be held as a series of one-hour virtual sessions, spread over five weeks. The theme was chosen in 2019 to stimulate conversation around how borders, both geographic and conceptual, can establish inclusion and exclusion, unity and conflict—ideas that have taken on new dimensions and urgency in the past year. Following the keynote, each week will feature a three or four brief presentations on the theme or other current work in the field of bioethics and medical humanities.
Cosponsored by the Institute for Public Health and Medicine and the Program in Global Health Studies
Health Across Borders:
Bioethics & Medical Humanities Conference Series
Panel 4#
Martin Hill
Indicators Likely to Contribute to Clinical and Functional Improvement Among Survivors of Politically Sanctioned Torture
Alexandra Tarzikhan, JD, MPH
The Human Rights of Mobile Populations Affected by TB
Jenifer Cartland, PhD
Addressing Barriers to Special Education for Children by
Enabling Collaboration Between Schools and Health Care Providers
Read more about this series | Sign up for lecture announcements