Thursday, April 7, 2022
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CT
Where: Online
Audience: Faculty/Staff - Student - Public - Post Docs/Docs - Graduate Students
Cost: Free
Center for Latinx Digital Media
Group: Center for Latinx Digital Media
Latin American and Caribbean Studies
Category: Academic
Throughout the academic year, the Center for Latinx Digital Media invites you to a series of weekly seminars held over Zoom on Thursdays. You can now register (click here) to the upcoming seminar of the Spring 2022 quarter, happening on April 7, at 12-1 PM US CT.
Prof. Pablo Porten-Cheé (Heidelberg University) will give a presentation entitled “Digital citizenship in flux: Theoretical and empirical approaches helping to understand today’s digital political participation of citizens.”
Abstract: Pablo Porten-Cheé will showcase an overview of his research aiming to understand and explain today’s political participation under digital conditions. Among other topics, he will talk about the formation of discursive citizenship norms—shared understandings of how citizens ought to participate in social media-shaped discourses—among Latinx in the US. The role of possible factors, such as cross-platform news media repertoires and perceptions of negative news about ingroup, will be discussed.
Dr. Pablo Porten-Cheé is a communication researcher and Junior Professor of Communication Studies and Information Society in Ibero-America at the Heidelberg Center for Ibero-American Studies, Heidelberg University, Germany. Previously, he was head of the research group “Digital Citizenship” at the Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society, Berlin, Germany
This event is co-sponsored by the Alice Kaplan Institute for the Humanities, the Buffett Institute for Global Affairs, the Center for Global Culture and Communication, the Department of Communication Studies, the Department of Radio/Television/Film, and the Latin American and Caribbean Studies Program.