Northwestern Events Calendar


Your Skin Shall Bear Witness Against You — On Memory, Materiality, and the Body of the Witness (Vartan Avakian)

On black background, 12 capsules made of gelatin, sugar, water, and the debris collected from books. From "Residual Histories" artwork by Vartan Avakian

When: Wednesday, May 25, 2022
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM CT

Where: Block Museum of Art, Mary and Leigh, 40 Arts Circle Drive, Evanston, IL 60208 map it

Audience: Faculty/Staff - Student - Public - Post Docs/Docs - Graduate Students

Cost: Free; public welcome!

Contact: Jill Mannor   (847) 467-3970

Group: Alice Kaplan Institute for the Humanities

Co-Sponsor: Middle East and North African Studies

Category: Academic, Fine Arts


Your Skin Shall Bear Witness Against You — On Memory, Materiality, and the Body of the Witness

“This is the story of a judicial investigator, a biochemist, and a salamander. They stand centuries apart each staring at a trace.” 

A talk by Vartan Avakian, Spring 2022 Artist in Residence of the Kaplan Humanities Institute and the Middle East and North African Studies Program.

Artwork: Detail from Residual Histories by Vartan Avakian.

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