Wednesday, July 27, 2022
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM CT
Audience: Faculty/Staff - Student - Public - Post Docs/Docs - Graduate Students
Antonio Benitez
(847) 467-2799
Group: Graduate Program in Plant Biology and Conservation
Category: Academic, Lectures & Meetings
The student Ry'yan Clark will be presenting a master's research defense on:
"Mature White Oak Soil Moisture and Water Redistribution Patterns: And the Effects on Oak Sapling Biomass in Fragmented Woodlands "
Brief Summary:
Oak sapling recruitment is a major concern in the Midwest, including the Chicago area based on the predicted longer summer droughts driven by climate change. There have been many recorded observations of mature oak (Quercus alba L.) trees' hydraulic redistribution in arid environments, but few on their performance in temperate-mesic environments of the Midwest and specifically their benefit to the overall soil health and ecosystem function. This research tests whether mature white oaks in three locations within Mary-Mix McDonald Woods Forest Preserve in the Chicago Botanic Garden (CBG) demonstrate a positive effect on saplings through hydraulic lift and redistribution of deep soil water during periods of summer drought.
This event will be hosted online. If you are interested to join us, please contact plantbiology@northwestern.edu to request the link for the meeting.