Northwestern Events Calendar


NUTC Seminar: "Connecting the Dots: Data, Methods, Policies"- Cinzia Cirillo

When: Thursday, October 13, 2022
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM CT

Where: Chambers Hall, 600 Foster St, Evanston, IL 60208 map it

Audience: Faculty/Staff - Student - Public - Post Docs/Docs - Graduate Students

Contact: Andrea Cehaic  

Group: Northwestern University Transportation Center

Category: Academic


The seminar will give an overview of the new research directions that Dr. Cirillo is pursuing with her research group at the University of Maryland. Methods for population synthesis based on the integration of Machine Learning methods and Copula concept will be presented and their efficacy demonstrated using linked data at different geographical levels. A large-scale microsimulation model that combines land use, transportation choices, and agent-based transport simulation will be introduced. Finally, these tools will be applied in the context of transportation and equity; the first considers the problem of evacuating low-income carless populations during an emergency, the second evaluates the effects of complete streets on the willingness to walk and bike under different levels of traffic stress.
Speaker Bio: 
Cinzia Cirillo is a Professor at the University of Maryland (USA), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. She has been recently nominated the Interim Director of Maryland Transportation Institute (MTI). She is an active member of the travel behavior community. Her work has focused on the fundamentals of the disciplines: discrete choice analysis, survey methodologies including national travel surveys and stated preference, and activity based modeling. More recently she is collaborating across disciplines on the topics of data linkage and small area estimation, and on energy and climate change. 

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