Saturday, March 18, 2023
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM CT
Where: Ford Motor Company Engineering Design Center, The Hive Classroom, 3rd Floor, 2133 Sheridan Road, Evanston, IL 60208 map it
Audience: Public
Sonia Kim
(847) 467-0446
Group: Innovation and New Ventures Office
Category: Other, Social
Tech Talks at The Querrey InQbation Lab offer local high school students the opportunity to learn about technologies that will impact our lives from leading Northwestern faculty.
Kevin Lynch, PhD
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Director, Center for Robotics and Biosystems
Prof. Kevin Lynch is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering and is the Director of
Northwestern’s Center for Robotics and Biosystems. The Center is working toward a future
where humans and robots collaborate seamlessly to achieve what is currently impossible;
where sensors, actuators, and controllers are inspired by biological principles. You will hear
about ground-breaking technologies in collaborative robots ("cobots"), swarm robotics, and
haptic interfaces, among others.