Northwestern Events Calendar


Q FoundHer Series | Lessons from Founding StreetLight Data: The Business is Always Harder than the Technology

When: Wednesday, April 26, 2023
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM CT

Where: Online

Audience: Faculty/Staff - Student - Public - Post Docs/Docs - Graduate Students

Contact: Sonia Kim   (847) 467-0446

Group: Innovation and New Ventures Office

Category: Lectures & Meetings


Northwestern University's Querrey InQbation Lab is hosting the FoundHer Series to amplify women academic innovators & entrepreneurs.

Learn about Dr. Laura Schewel's experience spinning out StreetLight Data from her doctoral research at UC Berkeley in 2011. Dr. Schewel will share her story building her company into the market leader in transportation analytics over the course of 12 years and ultimately selling the company in 2022 to Jacobs Engineering Group (NYSE: J). Dr. Schewel will share lessons learned as a technical founder raising four rounds of capital, establishing a repeatable sales model, and building a team of 150.

While the FoundHer Series is focused on supporting women innovators, all are welcome to register.

Please register in advance.


Laura Schewel, Ph.D., is co-founder and CEO of StreetLight Data, the leading provider of on-demand transportation analytics. As CEO of StreetLight she has helped hundreds of transportation agencies, engineering firms, and private transportation companies put big data to work. Laura has worked in the advanced transportation sector for her entire career, focused on accelerating innovative transportation and energy solutions from the start-up, academic, governmental and non-profit vantage points. Prior to founding StreetLight, Laura worked at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and Rocky Mountain Institute on vehicle electrification and other transportation sustainability issues. She holds degrees in Engineering and Literature from Yale and has a PhD in Transportation Data and Sustainability from UC Berkeley.

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