Friday, October 6, 2023
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CT
Where: 2010 Sheridan Road, 101, Evanston, IL 60208 map it
Audience: Student
Cost: Free. Undergrads only. Registration Required!
Harvey Kapnick Center for Business Institutions
(847) 491-2706
Group: Kapnick Center for Business Institutions: Lunch & Learn
Kapnick Center for Business Institutions
Category: Academic
Join Business Institutions for lunch and a casual conversation with our guest speaker, Ben Parr.
Ben will talk about Artificial Intelligence, working in Tech, and venture capital.
Topics Covered
-Learn about Ben's career in tech
-Artificial Intelligence
-Venture Capital
-Open discussion / Q&A
Custom lunches will be served. After registering, keep an eye out for an email asking for your lunch order.
You must register for “Lunch & Learn” to attend.
The Kapnick Lunch & Learn is a casual lunchtime chat event for Northwestern undergraduate students. Lunch & Learn is hosted by the Harvey Kapnick Center for Business Institutions.