Northwestern Events Calendar


PAECRS: Alex Edison and Elizabeth Teng

When: Wednesday, November 1, 2023
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM CT

Where: Technological Institute, F160, 2145 Sheridan Road, Evanston, IL 60208 map it

Audience: Faculty/Staff - Student - Post Docs/Docs - Graduate Students

Contact: Joan West   (847) 491-3645

Group: Physics and Astronomy PAECRS

Category: Academic


"Gravitational Wave Tails via Particle Physics"

The first observation of gravitational waves nearly ten years ago has 
ushered us into the age of gravitational wave astrophysics.  With an
eye towards the precision of future detectors, improving theoretical
understanding of gravitational wave sources is a necessity.  In this
talk, I will discuss the ways in which theoretical particle physics
methods are being applied to study various aspects of gravitational
wave physics.  My own work focuses on developing these crossover
methods for gravitational wave tail effects, which are a collection of
effects that result from attempting to treat the non-linear effects of
general relativity in a near-zone/far-zone splitting.  I will
demonstrate how these new methods have successfully reached and
exceeded the state-of-the-art predictions coming from traditional
field theory approaches.

Speaker: Alex Edison, Carrasco Group


"Emulating Stellar Evolution with Deep Learning: I can't believe it's not MESA!"

With the ubiquity of massive stellar binaries in our universe, studying their evolution is crucial to understanding everything from internal stellar processes to the formation of galaxies. Binary star systems serve as invaluable laboratories for testing theoretical models and advancing our understanding of stellar evolution, the production of compact objects, and potential gravitational wave sources. A standard technique to understanding the diversity of binary stars is with population synthesis codes, which enable simulation of populations of stellar binaries. In this talk I will discuss the novel binary population synthesis code POSYDON and my work in using deep learning to emulate or "accelerate" these simulations, bypassing the computational bottleneck to deliver detailed information about stellar interiors. 

Speaker: Elizabeth Teng, Kalogera Group

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