Northwestern Events Calendar


Global Antiquities Graduate Social

When: Friday, October 27, 2023
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM CT

Where: Five and Dime, 1026 Davis St., Evanston, IL 60201

Audience: Faculty/Staff - Graduate Students

Contact: Udita Das  

Group: Global Antiquities

Category: Academic, Social, Lectures & Meetings, Multicultural & Diversity


The Global Antiquites Group at Northwestern invites you to our first Graduate Student Social and Reception! It will be held on Friday, Oct. 27th, from 4-6 PM at Five and Dime, Evanston. Global Antiquities is a vibrant community of scholars at Northwestern who share an interest in antiquity across the world. We define antiquity very broadly, so as to be maximally inclusive. We are eager to connect with graduate students across campus working in antiquity and to form intellectual community among and between students and faculty. We also would like to involve graduate students more intensively in our programs and events. 

So, please come join us at Five and Dime, so that we can all meet one another and learn about each others work in a casual environment. Food and (1) drink will be provided. We are eager to here how we can support your work and increase your visibility on campus.

 We kindly request you to RSVP ( if you plan to attend. We look forward to meeting you!

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