Northwestern Events Calendar


Lunch & Learn: Julia Johnson (Northwestern Mutual Chicagoland)


When: Monday, October 30, 2023
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CT

Where: 2010 Sheridan Road, 101, Evanston, IL 60208 map it

Audience: Student

Cost: Free. Undergrads only. Registration Required!

Contact: Harvey Kapnick Center for Business Institutions   (847) 491-2706

Group: Kapnick Center for Business Institutions: Lunch & Learn

Co-Sponsor: Kapnick Center for Business Institutions

Category: Academic


Join Business Institutions for lunch and a casual conversation with our guest speaker, Julia Johnson.

Julia Johnson is a Campus Recruiter at Northwestern Mutual Chicagoland. Join Julia for a professional development session to learn more about your work preferences and personality traits, which will help you determine career paths that may be best suited for you!

Students will complete a survey in advance, called the Culture Index, and the Lunch and Learn session will be spent interpreting the results and learning how you can leverage your unique traits in the workplace. The survey will be shared after registration and will need to be completed by Thursday, October 26th.

Topics Covered

-Work preferences and personality traits
-Review of Culture Index survey results
-Navigating career paths that suit you, based on your survey results
-Navigating job recruiting, networking, and striving to maintain a well-balanced lifestyle
-Open discussion / Q&A


Custom lunches will be served. After registering, keep an eye out for an email asking for your lunch order.  

You must register for “Lunch & Learn” to attend.

The Kapnick Lunch & Learn is a casual lunchtime chat event for Northwestern undergraduate students. Lunch & Learn is hosted by the Harvey Kapnick Center for Business Institutions.

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