Northwestern Events Calendar


How Turkish TV Is Taking Over The World

When: Tuesday, November 7, 2023
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CT

Where: Kresge Hall, 2430, 1880 Campus Drive, Evanston, IL 60208 map it

Audience: Faculty/Staff - Student - Graduate Students

Contact: Oya Topcuoglu   (847) 491-2402

Group: MENA Languages Program

Co-Sponsor: Keyman Modern Turkish Studies (Northwestern Buffett)

Category: Academic, Lectures & Meetings


Thanks to international sales and global viewership, Turkey is second only to the US in worldwide TV distribution – finding huge audiences in Russia, China, Korea and Latin America. Turkish TV shows reach 750 million people across 152 countries.

How has Turkish TV become such a global phenomenon? How does the international success of Turkish TV shows challenge the dominance of American pop culture in the 21st century?

Join us for an engaging conversation on popular culture, media, politics and intercultural communication.

Guest speakers:

Esra Çimencioğlu Tosun - PhD Candidate in Screen Cultures, School of Communication

Dr. Kenan Sharpe - Keyman Modern Turkish Studies Postdoctoral Fellow

Oya Topçuoğlu (moderator) - Associate Professor of Instruction and Director of the Turkish Language Program

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