Northwestern Events Calendar


2024 Winter RAP Learning Lab: Alternative Grading for Course Design

When: Monday, February 12, 2024
All day  

Where: Online

Audience: Faculty/Staff - Post Docs/Docs - Graduate Students

Contact: 2023-24 RAP Content Committee  

Group: Searle Center Events

Category: Academic


Interested in developing or redesigning an assignment or course using contract grading, ungrading, specs grading, or a combination of alternative approaches to grading?
Join a group of instructors to implement a customized change in your grading practices. At the first session, participants will create a plan for how to adopt an alternative grading practice and then return to the second session with a draft for peer feedback.

This Learning Lab will meet two (2) times between Monday, February 12 - Friday, March 22, 2024.

Learning Lab Facilitator: Melissa Ko (RAP Consultant)

What are Learning Labs?
Learning Labs are online communities of practice for instructors to engage in small group discussions around concepts and topics from the 2023-24 Reimagining Assessment Practicum (RAP) as opportunities for connection, as well as to reflect on and receive feedback on practical application. Each Learning Lab will be facilitated as two (2) meetings during an academic quarter. Learning Lab Facilitators will contact you about scheduling and other updates.

Eligibility requirements: To participate in a Learning Lab, you must have registered for a prior 2023-24 RAP iteration.

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