Northwestern Events Calendar


Lab Overviews (Pt.1) - Drs. Mitra Hartmann, Bin Jiang, David O'Neill, Hao F. Zhang, & Nathan Gianneschi

When: Thursday, September 26, 2024
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM CT

Where: Technological Institute, Tech L361, 2145 Sheridan Road, Evanston, IL 60208 map it

Audience: Faculty/Staff - Student - Post Docs/Docs - Graduate Students

Contact: Naomi Vasciannie  

Group: McCormick - Biomedical Engineering Department (BME)

Category: Academic, Lectures & Meetings


Dr. Mitra Hartmann
Professor of Biomedical & Mechanical Engineering 

“Research interest focuses on sensorimotor integration; robots as tools for studying neuroscience; sensory acquisition behaviors; neuroethology.”



Dr. Bin Jiang 
Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering & Vascular Surgery

“The Jiang research group is a joint research program of vascular surgery and biomedical engineering. Our research focuses on vascular regenerative engineering, where advanced engineering technologies converge with clinical research for autologous vascular tissue regeneration. We use a combination of biomaterials, stem cells, non-invasive imaging, and animal models to develop innovative solutions for a number of vascular complications, including peripheral artery disease, abdominal aortic aneurysm, vascular calcification, and diabetic vascular complications.”


Dr. David O’Neill
Professor of Instruction & Director of Experiential Learning 

“The O’Neill research group (“ECCE”: Engineering Cognition Culture and Education) focuses on questions relating to the way engineers think and identify (engineering cognition), the culture and identity of engineers (engineering culture), and ways to develop engineer thinking (cognitive education).   We are not currently offering full-doctoral projects.  However, any and all BME students are welcome to contribute towards on-going projects.  Students are equally welcome to join the lab for research support with self-generated lines of pedagogical inquiry.  We proactively encourage participation in the Searle Mentored Discussion of Teaching, and Searle Teaching-As-Research programs.”


Dr. Hao F. Zhang
Professor of Biomedical Engineering

“The Functional Optical Imaging Lab (FOIL) focuses on optical coherence tomography, single-molecular imaging, ophthalmology, vision science, and genomics.”


 Dr. Nathan Gianneschi
Professor of Chemistry, Material Science & Biomedical Engineering

“The Gianneschi laboratory focuses on how nanomaterials interact with cells, tissues and biomolecules, with an interest in synthetic materials programmed with biopolymers as delivery systems, enzyme-responsive targeting systems and gel-forming materials for IV injection of self-assembling probes and therapeutic nanoparticles. Each of these projects involves the development of fluorescence, and MRI-contrast agent labeled polymeric and nanoparticle systems. Furthermore, we have programs supporting basic research efforts in the development of responsive materials and “smart” nanoparticles as well as a large program focused on developing new techniques for the discovery of functional nanomaterials and bionanomaterials via library screening methodologies being developed in our group.”

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