Thursday, April 3, 2025
1:00 PM - 1:30 PM CT
Where: Online
Audience: Faculty/Staff - Graduate Students
Teaching and Learning Technologies
Group: Northwestern IT Teaching and Learning Technologies
Category: Training
Northwestern offers the Pope Tech Accessibility Dashboard and Pope Tech Accessibility Guide to help identify and fix accessibility errors in Canvas courses. These tools do a great job identifying issues, but how to fix every error is not always clear, although the answer is typically easier than you might think. This session will explain the meanings of common errors such as “Empty link” and “Redundant title text” and show you how to fix them in seconds. Spoiler alert, it just takes a few clicks. After this session, you will be able to significantly reduce the accessibility errors and alerts in your class, creating a better Canvas experience for your students.
This session is offered through a partnership among AccessibleNU, the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX Compliance, and Northwestern IT Teaching and Learning Technologies.