Thursday, October 3, 2024
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM CT
Where: Kresge Hall, 2351 (Kaplan seminar room), 1880 Campus Drive, Evanston, IL 60208 map it
Audience: Faculty/Staff - Post Docs/Docs - Graduate Students
Cost: Free
Jill Mannor
(847) 467-3970
Group: Alice Kaplan Institute for the Humanities
Category: Academic
Art, Community, and Environment Research Workshop
This research workshop brings together faculty and graduate students interested in intersections among art and architectural practice, environmental studies, and communities. We seek to broaden definitions of knowledge production beyond the academic to Indigenous and oppositional knowledge, collaborative practice, reparative design, and activist research.
Our first organizational meeting will take place Thursday, October 3 at 2pm in the Kaplan Institute Seminar Room (Kresge 2351). Additional fall dates (details TBA) are Saturday, October 19; Saturday, November 16; and Thursday, December 5.
Faculty co-conveners: Rebecca Zorach and Hollyamber Kennedy (Art History)
Graduate assistant: Risa Puleo
Image: Sweet Water Foundation Thought Barn, Chicago