Tuesday, October 8, 2024
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM CT
Where: Kresge Hall, 1515, 1880 Campus Drive, Evanston, IL 60208 map it
Audience: Faculty/Staff - Student - Public - Post Docs/Docs - Graduate Students
Cost: 0
Margaret Sagan
(847) 467-1131
Group: Latin American and Caribbean Studies
Category: Academic, Fine Arts, Lectures & Meetings, Multicultural & Diversity, Global & Civic Engagement
Please join LACS at this book forum with author Emily Maguire, Associate Professor of Spanish & Portuguese, Northwestern University, in dialogue with Guillermina De Ferrari, Halls-Bascom Professor of Caribbean Literatures and Tropical Cultures, University of Wisconsin-Madison; M. Elizabeth Ginway, Professor of Spanish & Portuguese, University of Florida; and Justin Mann, Assistant Professor of English, Northwestern University.
This program is co-sponsored by the Spanish & Portuguese department and the Latina & Latino Studies Program. Lunch will be served at the event.
Tropical Time Machines is Emily Maguire's second book. Discussing how previous Caribbean literature and film has characterized places including Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Dominican Republic as “out of sync” with Western time, occupying a repeating or static space, Emily Maguire argues that science fiction breaks these cycles and resituates the region temporally and spatially. In chapters on cyberpunk, zombies, post-apocalyptic narratives, and the ab-real, Maguire shows how recent cultural production analyzes and critiques the ways globalization and national leadership have reinforced the region’s marginalization amid economic and climate crises.
Emily Maguire specializes in modern Latin American literature and culture, with a focus on the Hispanic Caribbean and its diasporas.