Wednesday, November 20, 2024
8:30 AM - 5:00 PM CT
Audience: Faculty/Staff - Student - Post Docs/Docs - Graduate Students
Indira Munoz
Group: Department of Computer Science (CS)
Category: Academic
To forge healthy and productive Human-AI ecosystems, researchers need to anticipate the nature of this interaction at every stage to stave off concerns of societal disruption and to usher in a harmonious future. A primary way in which AI is anticipated to become part of human life is through augmenting human capabilities instead of replacing them. What are the greatest potentials for this augmentation in various fields and what ought to be its limits? In the short term, AI is expected to continue to rely on the vast recorded and demonstrated knowledge and experience of people. How can the contributors of this knowledge feel adequately protected in their rights and compensated for their role in ushering in AI? As these intelligent systems are woven into the lives and livelihood of people, insight into how they operate and what they know becomes crucial to establish trust and regulate them. How can human privacy be maintained in such pervasive ecosystems and is it possible to interpret the operations, thoughts, and actions of AI? IDEAL will address these critical questions in a 3-part workshop as part of its Fall 2024 Special Program on Interpretability, Privacy, and Fairness, which will span 3 days across 3 IDEAL campuses