Tuesday, April 8, 2025
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM CT
Where: 1800 Sherman Avenue, 4-400, Evanston, IL 60201 map it
Audience: Faculty/Staff
Cost: n/a
Julie Friend
Group: Office of Global Safety and Security
Sponsor: Office of Global Safety and Security
Category: Global & Civic Engagement
The International Incident Response Training is a four-hour, two session program designed to help faculty and staff respond to health needs and / or safety concerns before or during travel. The goal is to empower you with tools and resources to manage the most common incidents, but also to support a more complicated matter that requires a team-based approach. OGSS has consolidated the most critical content of our ten session Education Abroad Crisis Management Council (EACMC) program into a new four-hour, two session.
The first session will focus on traveler health care, including preparation, GeoBlue insurance coverage, and overseas incident management. The second session will discuss risk assessment resources and responding to victims of crime and security incidents, such as civil unrest.
This training is for those new to Northwestern, new to supporting international travelers, or for anyone who has been around for a while but needs a refresher on the subjects. The new training will be held in person. Register for sessions 1 & 2 now at OGSS Events.
Coffee and cookies will be provided.