Northwestern Events Calendar


Solidari-Tea: APIDA & SWANA - Ramadan Special

When: Thursday, February 27, 2025
5:00 PM - 6:30 PM CT

Where: 1936 Sheridan Road, Multipurpose Room (107), Evanston, IL 60208 map it

Audience: Student

Contact: Rignesha Prajapati  

Group: Multicultural Student Affairs (MSA)

Category: Multicultural & Diversity


Asian Pacific Islander & Desi American (APIDA) & Southwest Asian & North African (SWANA) - Ramadan Special

Facilitated by Dallas Wright, learn about how Believers Bail Out (BBO) supports efforts to abolish money bail and to raise awareness within Muslim communities on the injustices of the bail bond system, immigration bonds, and the broader prison-industrial complex of which they form part. 


Solidari-Tea is a signature MSA program which takes place bi-weekly during Fall, Winter, and Spring quarter. This is a community gathering space which focuses on topics pertaining to Asian, Pacific Islander, and Desi American (APIDA) communities as well special edition sessions which involve crafts. While the topics center the lived experiences of the APIDA community, the events are open for all BIPOC students to attend. Over tea, topics, and crafts, BIPOC students are welcome to use this gathering space as an opportunity to build relationships and community with each other.

Hosted by: Multicultural Student Affairs (MSA)
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