Northwestern Events Calendar


Coffee Talk Winter Quarter 2025

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When: Wednesday, February 12, 2025
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM CT

Where: International Student and Scholar Services, International Student and Scholar Services, Office of, 630 Dartmouth Place, Evanston, IL 60208 map it

Audience: Student - Post Docs/Docs - Graduate Students

Cost: No cost for attending

Contact: Manisha Rustagi  

Group: CAPS Outreach and Support Spaces

Category: Social, Multicultural & Diversity


All NU students and scholars from both campuses are welcome to attend!

This is a community support space tailored for international students, international scholars, those who have international experiences, and/or those who are interested in international students’ experiences. 

Coffee Talk is a welcoming space where attendees can: 

Connect and interact with other international students on-campus over coffee, tea, snacks, and fun games. 

Share and exchange stories around study-aboard experiences.

Support each other in navigating friendships, cross-cultural adjustment to academics and living in the US, overcome imposter syndrome, homesickness, relationships, career, stress and anxiety, and other relevant topics.

Grow self-confidence and cultivate a sense of belonging on campus. 

Celebrate the pride and resilience of international students.

And take a break from studies! 

CAPS and OISS will provide tea, coffee, and snacks for all in-person attendees.              Time: Every other Wednesday, 3:00-4:00 PM

Dates: Jan 15th, Jan 29th, Feb 12th, Feb 26th, and March 12th

Location: hybrid: In-person at OISS OR Zoom

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