Wednesday, February 12, 2025
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CT
Webcast Link
Audience: Faculty/Staff
Cost: 0
Group: Association of Northwestern University Women (ANUW)
Category: Lectures & Meetings, Social
This virtual event is for ANUW members. If you register you will receive information about joining ANUW.
Association for Northwestern University Women presents the webinar Strategies for Professional Progression: Build Your Career Path. Four speakers will discuss their own professional trajectories at Northwestern and how to build your career step by step.
Speakers will be Mandi Glowen (Associate Director of Career Management, School of Education), Tyra Darville Layne (Director for Subcontracts Management, Sponsored Research), Joanna Mika (Director of Talent Development, Office of Human Resources), and Rebekah Sigman (Assistant Director of Community Relations, Northwestern Athletics).