Thursday, March 27, 2025
All day
Audience: Faculty/Staff
Cost: The workshop is free to staff members selected for the program. However, if a participant does not attend all five sessions of the workshop, we will request a $35 reimbursement from the participant’s home department to cover the cost of the individual’s (COI)® assessment
Janka Pieper
(847) 467-5344
Group: Intercultural Learning Initiative
Office of the Vice President for International Relations
One World \ One Northwestern
Category: Multicultural & Diversity, Global & Civic Engagement
The deadline to sign up for the Spring Quarter 2025 "Navigating Cultures in the Global Workplace" Workshop Series is Thursday, March 27th, 2025.
This interactive workshop series for Northwestern staff aims to provide tools for greater self-awareness and practical knowledge to increase intercultural sensitivity and effective communication in the workplace. The small group workshops will be conducted online, involving a combination of live presentations, discussions, and interactive activities. All participants will be provided with an online, personal assessment — the Cultural Orientations Indicator® (COI) — and will have access to an array of professional development materials. The workshop is free to Northwestern staff members.
Visit the link below for workshop dates and registration information: https://www.northwestern.edu/international-relations/staff/intercultural-learning-initiative/navigating-cultures-workshop.html