Saturday, April 5, 2025
10:30 AM - 9:30 PM CT
Where: Norris University Center, Wildcat Room, 1999 Campus Drive, Evanston, IL 60208 map it
Audience: Student
Prof. Krishna
Group: Department of Statistics and Data Science
Category: Academic
3 Day Event April 4-6
ASA DataFest at Northwestern is a data analysis competition organized by the Department of Statistics and Data Science at Northwestern University in collaboration with ASA (American Statistical Association).
Teams of 2 - 5 undergraduate students analyse a potentially large & complex dataset, over a weekend. The problem statement is typically broad and open-ended, providing a lot of room for innovation. Their job is to find and communicate insights from the data that help answer the problem statement. Students are encouraged to ask questions and receive advice from mentors, while working on the problem.
ASA DataFest is also a great opportunity to gain experience that employers are looking for. Having worked on a data analysis problem at this scale will certainly help make you a good candidate for any position that involves analysis and critical thinking, and it will provide a concrete example to demonstrate your experience during interviews.
Students will also get the opportunity to interact with data scientists from industry and academia, to get some insights about a data science career.
Food & drinks will be provided throughout the event.