Northwestern Events Calendar


Davee Foundation Family Medicine Lecture and Annual Resident Research Day

When: Thursday, March 13, 2025
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM CT

Audience: Faculty/Staff - Student - Public

Contact: Jeanne Menon   (312) 503-1273

Group: Med - Family & Community Medicine

Category: Academic


We are pleased to announce that our 2025 Davee Lecture and Research Day will be taking place on Thursday, March 13, 2025. We are excited to invite you to this event, where our graduating family medicine residents from our three residency programs (McGaw Family Medicine Humboldt Park, Lake Forest, and Delnor) will be presenting their scholarly projects.

This resident research day event is an excellent opportunity for our residents to showcase their hard work and dedication to research, and we hope that you will join us to celebrate their achievements. This event will also feature a keynote address from a prominent figure in the field of family medicine, as part of our annual Davee Lecture.

We believe that this event will be an excellent opportunity for networking and knowledge sharing among our faculty, residents, students, and colleagues in the field of family medicine. We invite you to come and support our residents as they present their work, engage in conversation with our keynote speaker, and connect with others in the field.

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