Wednesday, May 7, 2025
2:00 PM - 4:45 PM CT
Audience: Faculty/Staff - Student - Public - Post Docs/Docs - Graduate Students
Andrea Cehaic
(847) 491-7287
Group: Northwestern University Transportation Center
Category: Global & Civic Engagement, Academic, Lectures & Meetings
Five leading AI-driven companies — Augment, Fleetworks, HappyRobot, Qued and Vooma —are coming together with the Northwestern University Transportation Center at the Spring 2025 Industry Technical Workshop to showcase how artificial intelligence is revolutionizing logistics and freight operations.
The Workshop will explore the increasing role of AI in automating communication, streamlining workflows, and improving overall efficiency in logistics management. Attendees will learn firsthand how AI-powered automation is reshaping the industry, improving task efficiency, reducing operational costs, and enhancing service reliability.
Workshop Agenda
2:00 PM Welcome / Opening Remarks
Hani Mahmassani | Director | NUTC
Bret Johnson | Sr. Associate Director | NUTC
2:10 PM Presentations
Harish Abbott, Founder, Augment LLC
Jesse Buckingham, Co-Founder, Vooma
Kris Forrest, Head of Sales, GenLogs
Prasad Gollapalli, CEO and Chairman, Qued
Pablo Palafox, Co-founder & CEO, HappyRobot Inc.
Paul Singer, Co-founder & CEO, FleetWorks
3:15 PM Networking Break
3:45 PM Panel Discussion
Moderator - John Larkin, Strategic Advisor & Chair of Advisory Board, Clarendo Capital LLC
4:45 PM End of Program