Northwestern Events Calendar


Endocrinology Grand Rounds | Landsberg Obesity Lecture | March 13, 2025 | Joel Elmquist, DVM, PhD

When: Thursday, March 13, 2025
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM CT

Where: Simpson Querrey Biomedical Research Center, SQ Auditorium (SQ-230), 303 E. Superior Street, Chicago, IL 60611 map it

Audience: Faculty/Staff - Student - Post Docs/Docs - Graduate Students

Contact: Evan Board   (312) 503-3851

Group: Med - Endocrinology

Category: Academic


Joseph Bass, MD, PhD, Lisa Beutler, MD, PhD, and I are honored to announce that Joel Elmquist, DVM, PhD, will be visiting campus on Thursday, 3/13, to present our annual Lewis Landsberg Obesity Lecture. This special Grand Rounds Seminar will take place from 4:00–5:00 PM in the Simpson-Querrey Auditorium (SQ-230), followed by a reception with food and drinks immediately outside the auditorium.

Dr. Elmquist currently serves as a Professor of Internal Medicine at UT Southwestern Medical Center, in Dallas, TX, and is Director of its Center for Hypothalamic Research. He holds the Carl H Westcott Distinguished Chair in Medical Research and is the Maclin Family Professor in Medical Science. He also serves as the Department of Internal Medicine's Vice Chair of Research.

Dr. Elmquist's Landsberg Lecture, titled  "Identifying novel hypothalamic pathways regulating energy balance and metabolism," will focus on three key objectives:

To describe the role of the ventral medial hypothalamus in regulating metabolism.

To describe the role of neuronal E93 in regulating feeding and body weight in fruit flies.

To describe the effects of global deletion of LCORL on growth and metabolism.

Text activity code 20465 to (312) 957-8301 to record your CME attendance and claim course credit

Please let me know if you have any questions beforehand. We hope you can join us for this special annual event!

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