Monday, April 7, 2025
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM CT
Where: 1800 Sherman Avenue, 7th floor, 7-600, Evanston, IL 60201 map it
Audience: Faculty/Staff - Post Docs/Docs - Graduate Students
CIERA Astrophysics
(847) 491-8646
Group: CIERA - Special Seminars
Category: Lectures & Meetings
New data, technologies, and visualization approaches are together revealing a never-before-seen view of our Local Milky Way. The MilkyWay3D.org effort is designed to expand opportunities for researchers, educators, and the general public to access and explore this new view, as it evolves. Over just the past five years, 3D dust mapping, largely enabled by Gaia, has revealed fully unexpected new phenomena, like "The Radcliffe Wave" connecting dozens of star-forming molecular clouds in a 2.7-kpc-long structure that is oscillating vertically through the Galactic plane, while also verifying long-standing hypotheses that had never been clearly observable, such as the formation of molecular clouds on the surface of supernova-driven bubbles like the Local Bubble. Exploratory visualization software has been instrumental in contextualizing various 3D dust maps with other 3D measurements (e.g. Gaia-based stellar clustering and motions, radio spectral-line data) as well as with 2D imagery, catalogs of various features (e.g. HII regions), and more. The visualization efforts enabling MilkyWay3D.org offer an astronomy-oriented demonstration of the broader "LIVE Environments" (LIVE-env.org) effort, which seeks to bring Linkable Interactive Visualization and Exploration Environments to scientists, educators, and learners across astronomy, biology, and geographic information systems. Several of the specific software packages and connections between them that underly LIVE Environments and Milky Way 3D will be discussed and demonstrated, including glue, glupyter, OpenSpace, WorldWide Telescope, JupyterLab, Solara, plot.ly, and augmented reality tools. fdOngoing application of the LIVE software stack within the "Cosmic Data Stories" (cosmicds.cfa.harvard.edu) data science education project will also be demonstrated.
Speaker: Alyssa Goodman, Robert Wheeler Willson Professor of Applied Astronomy, Harvard-Smithsonian CfA
Host: Giles Novak