Northwestern Events Calendar


Green Justice: Bridging Social Inequality and the Environment A Panel Discussion in Celebration of Earth Day

When: Thursday, April 21, 2016
5:30 PM - 8:30 PM CT

Where: Buffett Institute , 1902 Sheridan , Evanston, IL 60208

Audience: Faculty/Staff - Student - Public

Cost: Free and open to the public.

Contact: Princess Parker   (847) 467-2976

Group: Environmental Policy and Culture

Co-Sponsor: Buffett Institute for Global Affairs

Category: Global & Civic Engagement


In partnership with the Buffett Institute, the Environmental Science and Policy & Culture programs are hosting a panel of local environmental activists that will discuss the intersection between environmental justice and social inequality. Topics will include: water contamination, the effects of coal-fired power plants, and access to environmental friendly infrastructure, among other things. Join us for a pre-panel dinner with the panelists at 5:30 PM. The talk will take place after dinner at University Hall 102 -- Free an open to all!

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