Tuesday, October 1, 2019
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CT
Where: 1940 Sheridan Road, Conference Room, Evanston, IL 60208 map it
Audience: Public
Amy Kehoe
(847) 491-2617
Group: Office of Fellowships Information Sessions
Category: Academic
Juniors, Seniors, and First-Year Graduate Students join us!
Deputy Director Yulian Ramos will be visiting campus to discuss The Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans, which honors the contributions of immigrants and children of immigrants to the United States.
Each year, the program invests in the graduate education of 30 New Americans—immigrants and children of immigrants—who are poised to make significant contributions to US society, culture or their academic field.
Each Fellow receives up to $90,000 in financial support over two years, and they join a lifelong community of New American Fellows.
RSVP to fellowships@northwestern.edu.