Wednesday, November 20, 2019
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM CT
Where: Norris University Center, Rock Room, 1999 Campus Drive, Evanston, IL 60208 map it
Audience: Faculty/Staff
Cost: Free. You will only be charged if you have RSVPed but do not show up for the event.
Janka Pieper
(847) 467-5344
Group: International Education Week
Office of the Vice President for International Relations
Category: Training
Join the Office of International Relations for this interactive workshop that will give you greater self-awareness, as well as practical information for how you can increase your effectiveness in intercultural situations. All participants will need to complete an online assessment, the Cultural Orientations Indicator (COI)®, prior to the workshop. The COI will give participants access to useful information for traveling abroad and working with individuals from various cultures. In addition, the tool includes an array of professional development materials. We encourage you to attend with colleagues if you can! IMPORTANT NOTE: Because of the cost of this event, and the online assessment that must be completed in advance of the workshop, we ask that you only RSVP if you are able and willing to participate in both the online assessment and the workshop. The event is free, but we will likely request reimbursement of the cost of this program from your department if you sign up but do not attend. Thank you for your understanding.