Tuesday, May 26, 2020
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CT
Webcast Link
Audience: Faculty/Staff - Student - Public - Post Docs/Docs - Graduate Students
Dylan Peterson
(847) 467-2770
Group: Buffett Institute for Global Affairs
Category: Global & Civic Engagement
The power of social media is in its speed and sprawl – but what do we know about social media use amidst a global pandemic? What happens when misinformation – from the 5G conspiracy to the Plandemic documentary – goes viral? How is misinformation about COVID-19 distinct from other forms of misinformation and how can we combat it? Northwestern University Professor of Communication Studies Dr. Pablo J. Boczkowski and Dr. Claire Wardle, co-founder and director of the non-profit First Draft, will address these questions and more, drawing on misinformation trends and 'infodemic' cases from around the world.
This webinar will be available through WebEx at this link. Please use passcode 1234 to access. The talk will begin at 12 p.m. CDT on Tuesday, May 26.
This is part of the Northwestern Buffett Institute for Global Affairs’ Confronting COVID-19: Global Implications and Futures webinar series.