Friday, November 6, 2020
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM CT
Webcast Link
Audience: Faculty/Staff - Student - Public - Post Docs/Docs - Graduate Students
Erica Canavan
(847) 491-7451
Group: Department of Political Science
Category: Academic, Lectures & Meetings, Global & Civic Engagement
The Comparative Politics Workshop hosts Jennifer Cyr for a discussion on “Focus Groups: When and Why to Use Them, and What Now (Given the Pandemic)?” – A Master Class.
During the workshop, participants will learn the fundamentals of focus groups and their usefulness in the current context of a pandemic. Based on her recent book, Prof. Cyr will provide guidelines to decide if, when, and how to undertake focus groups. Throughout the event, participants will have the opportunity to ask questions about their own research to a leading expert on qualitative and multi-methods research.
Jennifer Cyr is an Assistant Professor at the School of Government and Public Policy and Center for Latin American studies, University of Arizona; she received her PhD from Northwestern University in 2012. Her research focuses on representation, democratization, and institutional stability and change in Latin America.