Monday, May 15, 2023
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM CT
Audience: Graduate Students
Ariel Sowers
(847) 491-7454
Group: Department of Political Science
Category: Academic
Please join the Graduate Commune as they host Arturo Chang, Charlotte Mencke, and Nathalia Justo.
What is a research pipeline and how to develop and manage a strong research pipeline during the graduate studies? Please join us and welcome alumnus Arturo Chang (PhD 2021, now Assistant Professor at University of Toronto) who will be in a conservation with current PhD students at different stages - Charlotte Mencke (political theory) and Nathalia Justo (International Relations) - on everything about the research pipeline.
Arturo Chang is an Assistant Professor of Political Theory in the Department of Political Science at the University of Toronto. Previously, he was a Gaius Charles Bolin Fellow in Political Science at Williams College. His research focuses on Post-Colonial Thought, Decolonial Politics, and Comparative Political Theory. In particular, he centers on studies of Indigenous and Black Political Thought, revolutionary movements, nation-building, as well as race and ethnicity in the Americas. His work in Political Theory has appeared in the American Journal of Political Science and Contemporary Political Theory. His public-facing scholarship on these topics has appeared in The Washington Post, Foreign Policy, and La Silla Vacia (Bogotá, Colombia). In teaching, Chang designs courses that introduce students to Political Theory by putting the "Western" canon in contention with less familiar works, archival ephemera, and visual artifacts. His research has been supported by the Mellon Foundation, Alice Kaplan Institute for the Humanities, American Political Science Association, Latin American and Caribbean Studies Program at Northwestern University, and the Gaius Charles Bolin Fellowship at Williams College.
Charlotte Mencke is pursuing a PhD in Political Science, with a primary concentration in political theory. Her research interests lie in ancient Greek political thought and tragedy, feminist theory, and Hannah Arendt. Originally from the Rhein-Main region in Germany, Charlotte went to college in Nancy and Berlin and holds a Master's degree from the University of Chicago. Outside of research and teaching, she enjoys playing the violin, cooking, and, after a year of remote graduate study, finally exploring the city of Chicago in all its varied aspects.
Nathalia Justo a PhD Candidate in political science at Northwestern University, with a primary emphasis on International Relations and a secondary emphasis on Political Theory. She was an exchange student at the École Normale Supérieure in Paris, France for the 2019-2020 academic year. She has a Master’s degree in International Relations from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. With her current interdisciplinary research project, she wants to contribute to ongoing debates on the shortcomings of current legal categories of protection for non-citizens by exploring to which extent they owe their potentialities and limits to notions of deservingness that sideline broader articulations of political responsibility. Justo takes an ethnographic approach to the processes of construction of the categories of the stateless, refugee, and temporary protected status (TPS) through UN archival work and fieldwork with communities of rights claimants. She has had amazing opportunities for professional development. She participated in the SSRC/NU Dissertation Development Program (Summer 2018); completed the Northwestern’s Searle Center for Advancing Learning and Teaching Teaching Certificate (2018-2019); participated in the Graduate Writing Place writing groups (2019-present); and joined the Buffett Institute for Global Affairs 2020-2021 cohort of the Global Impacts program. Justo also has three years of administrative experience in higher education, working at the Office of the President at Sao Paulo State University (2012-2015).