Thursday, October 17, 2024
All day
Where: 1800 Sherman Avenue, Suite 3-000, Evanston, IL 60201 map it
Audience: Faculty/Staff - Student - Post Docs/Docs - Graduate Students
Northwestern Buffett
(847) 467-2770
Group: Buffett Institute for Global Affairs
Category: Global & Civic Engagement
Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly integral to national and global security strategies. How are researchers leveraging AI to help predict terrorist attacks, reshape terror group behavior and combat misinformation? How could AI help us achieve more effective outcomes in diplomatic negotiations? How are new AI techniques helping to predict cyber-attacks before they occur and mitigate them in real time when they do?
Gain insights from leading experts in AI, cybersecurity and national security at the annual Conference on AI & National Security hosted by the Northwestern Security & AI Lab (NSAIL). Jointly housed at Northwestern University’s Roberta Buffett Institute for Global Affairs and McCormick School of Engineering, NSAIL conducts fundamental research in AI relevant to issues of cybersecurity and counterterrorism and presents at venues for public policy discussion and negotiation, including the United Nations, Capitol Hill and the Mumbai Stock Exchange.
This year's conference will feature a range of presentations showcasing new AI technologies and panel discussions offering insights from leading researchers, security strategists and more. Conference attendees are also invited to attend a working lunch with live demonstrations of advanced AI technologies and tools developed at NSAIL.
This event will be livestreamed. Register to join the livestream via Zoom and view the full conference agenda here.