Northwestern Events Calendar


Cite Smarter and Manage Your Research: EndNote and Zotero Drop-In Assistance (In Person)

Cite Smarter and Manage Your Research

When: Thursday, February 27, 2025
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM CT

Where: University Library, Main Corridor, 1970 Campus Drive, Evanston, IL 60208 map it

Audience: Faculty/Staff - Student - Post Docs/Docs - Graduate Students

Cost: Free

Contact: Bibsupport Group  

Group: Northwestern Libraries

Category: Lectures & Meetings, Training


Keeping track of your research can be an overwhelming task. Fortunately, EndNote and Zotero are both tools that can help keep your research organized! In this session we will introduce you to the citation management applications, Zotero and EndNote, which can help you organize your research materials and save you countless hours in the course of your reading and writing. Zotero is a free and open-source citation management software application that works as standalone software or through a web browser, and EndNote is free to download for Northwestern users. Both are easy to use and allow you to collect, manage, and share your research sources. You can also insert properly formatted citations and bibliographies as you write in Google Docs and Microsoft Word.

No registration needed. Drop by any time during these hours for help getting started using EndNote or Zotero, if you're already using the software and need help, or if you're just curious how a citation management tool can work for you!

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