Northwestern Events Calendar


SHORT FILMS BY EDUARDO WILLIAMS (2011-2019) with filmmaker in attendance

A woman with striped head wrap and raised arm in a blurry landscape

When: Friday, February 7, 2025
7:00 PM - 9:30 PM CT

Where: Block Museum of Art, Mary and Leigh, Auditorium, 40 Arts Circle Drive , Evanston, IL 60208 map it

Audience: Faculty/Staff - Student - Public - Post Docs/Docs - Graduate Students

Cost: FREE

Contact: Block Museum of Art   (847) 491-4000

Group: Block Museum of Art

Sponsor: Doc Media MFA

Category: Fine Arts, Fine Arts, Social


SHORT FILMS BY EDUARDO WILLIAMS (2011-2019) with filmmaker in attendance
(Eduardo Williams, 2011-2019, 68 min, DCP)

Since breaking through with the captivating 17-minute PUDE VER UN PUMA (I COULD SEE A PUMA, 2011), which screened in competition at the Cannes Film Festival in 2012, Eduardo Williams has produced a dazzling body of short-form work, refracting the themes and techniques of his feature films in playful and delightfully disorienting ways. Whether cruising in the dense urban settings of Hanoi, as in 2014’s I FORGOT! (28 min, co-directed by Nahuel Pérez Biscayart), or dancing alongside members of the queer and trans community in the capital of Guinea-Bissau in 2019’s PARSI (23 min, in collaboration with poet Mariano Blatt), Williams’ shorts revel in untethered spatial mobility that boldly remaps horizons of cinematic and social possibility. Seen together, the three films included in this program communicate the fundamentally ecstatic nature of Williams’ films, which mirrors the worlds he depicts in their sheer multiplicity and sense of endless potential.

Films Screened Include: 

PUDE VER UN PUMA (I COULD SEE A PUMA, 2011, 17 min, digital)

I FORGOT! (2014, 28 min, digital, co-directed with Nahuel Pérez Biscayart)

PARSI (2019, 23 min, digital, co-directed with Mariano Blatt)

Following the screening, Williams will appear for discussion and audience Q&A.

Co-presented with support from the Michael and Jane Hoffman Visiting Artist Series and the MFA in Documentary Media at Northwestern.

About the artist:

Eduardo "Teddy" Williams (born 1987) is an Argentinean film director. He first studied at Universidad del Cine in Buenos Aires, and then in Fresnoy, France, under the tutorship of Portuguese director Miguel Gomes. Williams works within an avant-garde/experimental tradition. His first feature film THE HUMAN SURGE won the Pardo D’oro in Locarno. His works have been presented at film festivals such as Cannes, Locarno, Toronto and New York.


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