Northwestern Events Calendar


Knight-Hennessy Scholars - meet program representative!

When: Thursday, April 10, 2025
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CT

Where: Online
Webcast Link

Audience: Student

Cost: Free.

Contact: Amy Kehoe   (847) 467-5098

Group: Office of Fellowships Information Sessions

Category: Academic


Meet program representative Brenda Ramirez! Take Stanford graduate school to a new level. Join Knight-Hennessy Scholars, a community of change-makers. Be shaped by their diverse perspectives. Moved by their courage. Inspired by their passion for contributing to the greater good. You’re invited to join a K-H Scholars Admissions Officer at an upcoming virtual information session to learn about Knight-Hennessy Scholars at Stanford University, a multidisciplinary and multicultural graduate program that provides students with three years of financial support and leadership development opportunities. 

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