Friday, March 28, 2025
8:00 PM - 10:00 PM CT
Where: Dearborn Observatory, 2131 Tech Drive, Evanston, IL 60208 map it
Cost: Free!
Adrienne Mintz
(847) 491-3644
Group: Dearborn Observatory
Category: Other, Academic
The Dearborn Observatory is open for public viewing every Friday night from 8 to 10 pm during the fall and winter months (October-March). The sessions are free and open to all. Reservations are required for the first hour but walk-ins are welcome in the second hour. All visitors should note that the dome is neither heated nor air-conditioned so please dress appropriately. Friday evening sessions are held "rain or shine." Unfortunately, the Dearborn is NOT ADA-accessible. Several staircases must be climbed in order to reach the telescope.
To make a reservation go to http://sites.northwestern.edu/dearborn/.
For more information on the Dearborn Observatory, please visit our website.
If you have any questions, please email Adrienne Mintz at adrienne.mintz@northwestern.edu or call 847-491-3644.